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NAPs Logo (2)

The majority of the NAPs have involved collaborations and partnerships between various anaesthesia-related organisations.

This principle of collaboration was begun with the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) working with the National Confidential Acute Pain Critical Incident Audit (NCAPCIA) for NAP3.

Please click the links below to visit our partners' and collaborators' websites.

The RCoA and HSRC would like to acknowledge that many other organisations have also contributed significantly to the development and delivery of NAPs through their important contributions on the relevant steering groups.

BSACI Logo Web

British Society for Allergy & Clinical Immunology

The HSRC worked collaboratively with the BSACI for NAP6.

AAGBI Logo 201112

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

The HSRC partnered with the AAGBI for NAP5.


Difficult Airway Society

The RCoA partnered with DAS for NAP4.